Advanced Track

The advanced track is for investigators who are proposing a large, multi-center phase 2/3 trial. Investigators in the advanced track will typically have prior clinical trials experience as a site PI or co-investigator, although for some rare or pediatric diseases, a multi-center trial may be required for the initial trial.

Projects in the advanced track should be suited for one of the NINDS research networks. Advanced track applicants should review the structure and requirements of the networks and state the intended network in their application.

Advanced track participants are required to submit a final protocol synopsis and draft protocol upon the completion of the course. The protocol synopsis that is developed during the course will be designed to meet the application intake requirements of the NINDS research networks. The CTMC Executive Committee and course faculty will also coordinate with the networks to ensure that projects are compatible with network priorities.

If you are considering a network that is not listed above, please reach out to to confirm that your trial would be a fit for the course.